Riazul Tequila Plata 100% Puro Agave 750ml
An unaged, pure expression offering a crisp and clean profile with vibrant agave flavors. Bottled straight after distillation.
Riazul Plata Tequila is an unaged, pure expression of highland agave, offering a crisp and clean profile with vibrant agave flavors. Bottled straight after distillation, this tequila is perfect for mixing into fresh, bright cocktails or enjoying neat to savor its natural essence.
- Fresh aromas of roasted agave with hints of citrus and floral undertones.
- A smooth palate f...Show More >
Riazul Plata Tequila is an unaged, pure expression of highland agave, offering a crisp and clean profile with vibrant agave flavors. Bottled straight after distillation, this tequila is perfect for mixing into fresh, bright cocktails or enjoying neat to savor its natural essence.
- Fresh aromas of roasted agave with hints of citrus and floral undertones.
- A smooth palate featuring sweet agave, lime zest, and subtle herbal notes.
- Clean and refreshing finish with a touch of pepper and earthiness.
- Tropical fruits, vanilla, hints of spice and oak
- Vanilla, caramel, cooked agave, bits of chocolate and pineapple
- Quick, dry finish with pops of chocolate
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Wine Information:
Country: Mexico
Region: Jalisco
Appellation: Tequila 100% Puro agave
Variety: Blue Weber
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence