Plymouth NAVY STRENGTH Gin 750ml
Rich yet impeccably balanced. It is perfect for the adventurous spirit drinkers of the world.
Producer Description
Batch distilled in the original victorial copper stills, Plymouth Navy Strength Gin is rich yet impeccably balanced. It is perfect for the adventurous spirit drinkers of the world, and takes a gin and tonic to a whole new level.
Plymouth Gin is a style and brand of gin that has been distilled on the s...Show More >
Producer Description
Batch distilled in the original victorial copper stills, Plymouth Navy Strength Gin is rich yet impeccably balanced. It is perfect for the adventurous spirit drinkers of the world, and takes a gin and tonic to a whole new level.
Plymouth Gin is a style and brand of gin that has been distilled on the same premises on the Barbican in Plymouth, Devon, since 1793. The site of production, the Plymouth Gin Distillery, was built in 1431 and is reputed to have once been a monastery of the Dominican Order, widely known as "Black Friars" (notice the tiny friar embossed on the bottle). Intense, bold and aromatic, for almost two centuries, no Royal Navy ship left port without it. A multi-award-winner that’s strong enough to fire cannons.
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Wine Information:
Country: England
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
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