
Neta Agave Spirits Tepextate Hermogenes Vasquez 750ml

SKU: P69636 ISBN:

Wine Information:

Country: Mexico

Region: Oaxaca


Appellation: -

Variety: -

Type: Spirits

Size: 750ml

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Tepextate is a type of Agave marmorata that grows throughout many different regions of

Oaxaca. The plant’s historical use in spirits was limited to remote and isolated regions of

difficult terrain, where the production of mezcal was clandestine, and in situations where

palenqueros did not have the land and resources to cultivate other varietals preferred for

their higher yield. In the past, Tepextate was often used as medicine, with different

desired properties derived from both the roots and the juices of its thick leaves.

It is one of the lowest-yielding varietals used in the production of agave spirits. Even

ideal conditions require 30 to 90 kgs of cooked plant to yield just one liter of spirit. In

comparison, a liter of Espadín, or other karwinskii varietals, will require somewhere

between 6-10kg of roasted agave.

It is in arid environments with steep slopes and rugged, rocky and limestone-rich soils

where the Tepextate maguey thrives. Amongst palenqueros, the plant is infamous for its

extremely low sugar content and the difficulty involved in harvesting and transporting

these plants from their preferred terrain of rocky hillside, steep ravines, and cliffs. These

areas are most often inaccessible to trucks or even donkeys or mules and must be carried

out by hand - leaving behind itchy rashes and blisters caused by its highly caustic juices.

The name itself comes from Tepetate, a Hispanicized word originating from the Nahuatl

tepetlatl, which refers to a geological horizon, a lime-rich but hardened and poor

draining earth surface.

In Miahuatlán, Tepextate is sometimes found at lower elevations but is more prevalent in

zones just below 1400m to just above 2000m. It is often found growing alongside various

aromatic herbs and plants, such as verbena, copal trees, and wild chiles.

We selected this batch of 100% pure Tepextate for Neta based largely on the intensity of

the aromas and flavors that are highly representative of the region and very special

qualities of the plant.
