
Mal Bien Victor & Emanuel Ramos Coyote 99.8 Proof 750ml

SKU: K210000047463 ISBN:

Wine Information:

Country: Mexico

Region: Oaxaca


Appellation: Oaxaca

Variety: -

Type: Spirits

Size: 750ml

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Mal Bien Madrecuixe / Bicuixe / Tepextate is made by father-son duo Victor and Emanuel Ramos, who have been producing for brands like Mezcaloteca (Mezcalosfera) for many years. The agave used in this mezcal are cooked for 6 days in an underground pit oven with Encino, Yegareche, Mesquite, and Palo de Aguila. After bring cooked, the agave rest 6-7 days before being mashed by ox drawn tahona. They’re fermented with open air yeasts for 4-8 days before being double distilled in a copper refrescadera still.
