Heaven's Door Tennessee Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Gold Medal Winner A robust whiskey with inviting notes of nougat and freshly baked bread, complemented by honeyed beeswax and buttered toffee. Smooth and approachable with a long finish_read more
Wine Information:
Country: US
Region: Tennessee
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Gold Medal Winner
A robust whiskey with inviting notes of nougat and freshly baked bread, complemented by honeyed beeswax and buttered toffee. Smooth and approachable with a long finish.
95 Points Tasting Panel | This 92-proofer grabs the nose with a hefty, profound bouquet of walnut, bread pudding, cinnamon, and cedar. An extroverted personality emerges with a spark of black pepper and dollops of maple syrup and orange marmalade, all moving in harmony across the palate. The cherry-peach finish is flirtatious on the tongue.