Anapea Village Mtsvane Orange Wine 2020 Georgia 750ml
Mouth is soft and rich with well expressed aromas of white cherry jam, ripe tropical fruits backed by lively acidity and long finish.
Winemaker Description
Anapea Villlage Qarvani produces Natural Wines exclusively using Georgian traditional methods. The winery uses 2 sets of Qvevris for both fermentation (6 months on skins) and aging. All farming is organic and biodynamic and the winery is a member, and strict adherent, of the Georgia Natural Wine Association.
Mouth is soft and rich with well expressed a...Show More >
Winemaker Description
Anapea Villlage Qarvani produces Natural Wines exclusively using Georgian traditional methods. The winery uses 2 sets of Qvevris for both fermentation (6 months on skins) and aging. All farming is organic and biodynamic and the winery is a member, and strict adherent, of the Georgia Natural Wine Association.
Mouth is soft and rich with well expressed aromas of white cherry jam, ripe tropical fruits backed by lively acidity and long finish. Velvety bouquet, velvety fruit tones.
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Wine Information:
Country: Georgia
Region: Kakheti
Variety: Mtsvane
Type: Whites
Size: 750ml
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