Abeja Cabernet Sauvignon Heather Hill 2020 750ml
An intriguing bouquet of strawberry, neroli and almond greet the nose. The opening is subtle but quickly crescendos to a full mid palate.
Winemaker Description
An intriguing bouquet of strawberry, neroli and almond greet the nose. The opening is subtle but quickly crescendos to a full mid palate, pushing towards a long and satisfying finish.
Structured and well rounded, flavors of ripe pomegranate and olive cumulate with juniper and sage, building in both nuance and intensity as the wine opens
Wine Information:
Country: United States
Region: Washington
Appellation: Walla Walla
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Type: Reds
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence