
Cantina Giulliano Merlot Kosher 2021 750ml

SKU: 210000057342 ISBN: 691835732091

Mevushal. This smooth, fruity and juicy wine will take you one step closer to Tuscany.

KosherMevushal Kosher
Winemaker Description

Mevushal. This wine takes roots on the beautiful and romantic Tuscan HIlls. This smooth, fruity and juicy wine will take you one step closer to Tuscany.

Wine Information:

Country: Italy

Region: Tuscany


Appellation: Toscano

Variety: Merlot

Type: Reds

Size: 750ml

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This wine takes roots on the beautiful and romantic Tuscan HIlls.

This smooth, fruity and juicy wine will take you one step closer to Tuscany.