Cinco Sentidos Coleccion Mixteca Edicion 2 100% Agave Azul 750ml
Wine Information:
Country: Spain
Region: Puebla
Appellation: -
Variety: -
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
This 500-liter batch of Azul (a. Tequilana Weber) was distilled by maestro mezcalero Delfino Tobon Mejia in his hometown of San Pablo, Ameyaltepec, Puebla. Along with friends and family, Delfino harvested approximately seven tons of cultivated agave Azul in the village of Santo Tomas. After harvest, he roasted the cultivated agave in an underground oven with tehuixtle firewood for three days. After the roast, he allowed the cooked agave to ferment naturally for 10 days before distilling the mash and tepache once in his home-made, 3-plated copper plated still.