
Kedem Extra Heavy Malaga Kosher 750ml

SKU: P58382 ISBN: 087752001363

It is a Sweet Red. It is Mevushal under the supervision of the OU. New York State grapes.

Winemaker Description

Rich and sweet. A great traditional wine for Passover or for Shabbos. Serve with brisket or honeyed poultry. Kedem has done an excellent job with this. It is a Sweet Red wine from New York State. 

Wine Information:

Country: United States

Region: New Jersey


Appellation: Bayonne


Type: Reds


Choose when time is of the essence

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Rich and sweet. A great traditional wine for Passover or for Shabbos. Serve with brisket or honeyed poultry. Kedem has done an excellent job with this. It is a Sweet Red wine from New York State.