Vergnano Arancino Orange Liqueur 750ml
Vergnano Liqueur Arancino Organic Blood Orange is made with simple ingredients: Organic wheat alcohol (vodka), organic blood orange juice, organic blood orange peels extract and organic cane sugar.
The blend of organically grown Sicilian oranges (Moro, Sanguinello e Tarocco orange variety) provides a refined, vibrant and yet elegant note to Arancino liqueur. Producer Description.
Vergnano Liqueur Arancino Organic Blood Orange is made with simple ingredients: Organic wheat alcohol (vodka), organic blood orange juice, organic blood orange peels extract and organic cane sugar.
The blend of organically grown Sicilian oranges (Moro, Sanguinello e Tarocco orange variety) provides a refined, vibrant and yet elegant note to Arancino liqueur. Producer Description.
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Vergnano Liqueur Arancino Organic Blood Orange is made with simple ingredients: Organic wheat alcohol (vodka), organic blood orange juice, organic blood orange peels extract and organic cane sugar.
The blend of organically grown Sicilian oranges (Moro, Sanguinello e Tarocco orange variety) provides a refined, vibrant and yet elegant note to Arancino liqueur. Producer Description.
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Wine Information:
Country: Italy
Type: Spirits
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