Fernet-Branca Liqueur 750ml
The distinctly bitter taste is beloved by bartenders worldwide, earning Fernet Branca the nickname ‘the bartender’s handshake.
Producer Description
A first sip to taste the bitter notes of Colombo, Aloe, and the unmistakable tang of Gentian. A second small sip will reveal the spicy notes of Zedoary and the full-bodied flavor of Chamomile. With the final sip, the liqueur unveils its full repertoire of flavors: the overall effect is bitter, but a delicately spicy aftertaste lingers—the flavor of Myrrh.
Producer Description
A first sip to taste the bitter notes of Colombo, Aloe, and the unmistakable tang of Gentian. A second small sip will reveal the spicy notes of Zedoary and the full-bodied flavor of Chamomile. With the final sip, the liqueur unveils its full repertoire of flavors: the overall effect is bitter, but a delicately spicy aftertaste lingers—the flavor of Myrrh.
Fernet-Branca is the world’s leading Italian amaro with a uniquely bitter herbal flavor profile. The distinctly bitter taste is beloved by bartenders worldwide, earning Fernet Branca the nickname ‘the bartender’s handshake.’
Today, only one person in the world knows the secretly guarded recipe. The complex bitter profile makes Fernet-Branca the perfect bitter herbal modifier for any cocktail.
Fernet-Branca is versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous ways. For a straightforward experience, try it neat in a shot glass accompanied by your favorite beer. Alternatively, you can savor it on the rocks, blended with ice and soda, mixed with tonic water, or paired with ginger ale. Additionally, it serves as an excellent ingredient in a wide variety of cocktails.
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Wine Information:
Country: Italy
Region: Milan
Variety: Amaro
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
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