Bayab African Grown Small Batch Rose Gin 750ml
African Rose gin combines botanicals, such as baobab fruit, African rose petals, Rose water, coriander and sea salt, resulting in a slightly sweeter and floral gin.
Producer Description
Our special rose water edition, brings an African floral expression to the range. Bayab African Rose gin combines botanicals, such as baobab fruit, African rose petals, Rose water, coriander and sea salt, resulting in a slightly sweeter and floral gin.
Wine Information:
Country: South Africa
Region: Kwazulu-Natal
Variety: Rose Gin
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
Our special rose water edition, brings an African floral expression to the range. Bayab African Rose gin combines botanicals, such as baobab fruit, African rose petals, Rose water, coriander and sea salt, resulting in a slightly sweeter and floral gin.