Sipsmith Gin London Dry 83.2 Proof United Kingdom 750ml
Bursting with fresh citrus, floral aromas and a harmonic blend of dry juniper and orange marmalade, this is the quintessential expression of a classic London dry gin and perfect for mixing up a cocktail or sipping neat.
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Wine Information:
Country: UK
Region: London
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
A blend of ten classic gin botanicals that include Orris root, lemon peel, ground almond and juniper, master distiller Jared Brown includes licorice root to soften the tannins of the other botanicals and coriander seed and angelica root which lend traditional notes associated with London dry gin.
We use ten carefully selected botanicals from around the globe to make our London Dry Gin. Macedonian juniper berries, Bulgarian coriander seed, French angelica root, Spanish liquorice root, Italian orris root, Spanish ground almond, Chinese cassia bark, Madagascan cinnamon, Sevillian orange peel and Spanish lemon peel.