Nordes Atlantic Galician Gin Spain 700ml
The Nordes Atlantic Galician Gin is a very, very intriguing Spanish gin. It is made from a distillate of grapes of the Albariño variety, grown in Galicia, northwest Spain, as opposed to the normally used grain-based spirit. A total of 12 botanicals are used, including bay leaf, quinine, hibiscus, cardamom, eucalyptus, lemon grass, peppermint, Salicornia, black Ceylon tea, and ginger. A floral and very flavoursome gin, ideal for summer cocktails.
Wine Enthusiast's Top 100 Spirits of 2020
A fresh, fruity nose, with citrusy notes from the lemon verbena and Albariño base, green herbal tones, as well as white fruit aromas and a whiff of sea salt. On the palate, fruit-forward and spicy, featuring white peach and the subtle undertone of juniper, with ...Show More >
Wine Enthusiast's Top 100 Spirits of 2020
A fresh, fruity nose, with citrusy notes from the lemon verbena and Albariño base, green herbal tones, as well as white fruit aromas and a whiff of sea salt. On the palate, fruit-forward and spicy, featuring white peach and the subtle undertone of juniper, with beautiful balance and a smooth profile.
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Wine Information:
Country: Spain
Region: Galicia
Appellation: Galicia
Type: Spirits
Size: 700ml
Choose when time is of the essence
The Nordes Atlantic Galician Gin is a very, very intriguing Spanish gin. It is made from a distillate of grapes of the Albariño variety, grown in Galicia, northwest Spain, as opposed to the normally used grain-based spirit. A total of 12 botanicals are used, including bay leaf, quinine, hibiscus, cardamom, eucalyptus, lemon grass, peppermint, Salicornia, black Ceylon tea, and ginger. A floral and very flavoursome gin, ideal for summer cocktails.
92 Points Wine Enthusiast | With time in the glass, this gin becomes particularly aromatic, mixing citrus and floral notes. The palate leads with herbaceous sage and bay leaf, leading into a floral exhale—hibiscus is one of the botanicals—tinged with grapefruit peel and lemon verbena.