Roagna Chinato Barolo 750ml
Fermented wines with added herbs and spices have been produced since ancient times. In the Langhe, the advent of Barolo Chinato can be attributed to a certain Dr Cappellano, a pharmacist from Serralunga d'Alba, who created this elixir for curative purposes at the end of the 19th century. Over the years, the various families of the Langa devel...Show More >
Fermented wines with added herbs and spices have been produced since ancient times. In the Langhe, the advent of Barolo Chinato can be attributed to a certain Dr Cappellano, a pharmacist from Serralunga d'Alba, who created this elixir for curative purposes at the end of the 19th century. Over the years, the various families of the Langa developed their own recipes, based on family tastes and the herbs they found in the vineyards.
Our Barolo Chinato comes from an old family recipe. The base is Barolo Pira, aged for a long time and with the full development of secondary aromas. Different infusions of herbs, barks and flowers in Grappa di Barolo are added to the aged wine; this elixir spends a few more months resting and is then bottled.
Production is very limited, with about 300 bottles per edition.
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Wine Information:
Country: Italy
Region: Piedmont
Appellation: Barolo Chinato
Type: Digestifs
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
Intense ruby red. The nose displays typical freshness of Vajra Barolo, with a weave of roses and ripe cherries, fresh mountain herbs and orange zest. In the mouth, bitter sweet and persistent flavors. Beautiful as a digestive or paired with dark chocolate.
Antonio Galloni writes: The estate's NV Barolo Chinato is a winner. Roagna told me he spent several years researching the right combination of aromatic herbs, and that work has paid off handsomely as this is a gorgeous, serious Chinato. The base wine is a 10-year old Barolo Riserva, which gives the Chinato an unsually soft-textured, generous personality. All of the typical notes of sweet herbs, cinnamon, cardamom, flowers, anise and baking spices are layered into a sweet, expansive expression of fruit. This is a Chinato that is much more wine-like than digestif-like. It is a great effort. - Vinous 91