
Occhipinti Vino di Contrada PT Pettineo 2019 750ml

SKU: K2149016 ISBN:

Closed wines are usually fruity with a more silky tannin and sustained acidity_read more


Wine Information:

Country: Italy

Region: Sicily


Appellation: Terre Siciliane

Variety: Frappato

Type: Array

Size: 750ml

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Pettineo : is a historic district beyond the Serra San Bartolo promontory; historically it has always produced very elegant wines thanks to a layer of loose and deep sea sand (50-60 cm) with little presence of calcareous pebbles on the surface. Our Chiusa di Pettineo is about 60 years old and is an old tree that the previous owner transformed into an espalier, making the plants that now also have monumental shapes climb between the pylons. Closed wines are usually fruity with a more silky tannin and sustained acidity.