Cielo Prosecco Rosé Doc 750ml
Fruity and fragrant bouquet with hints of strawberry and cherry. Fresh balanced and persistent. Sligthly fruity notes, fine and thin perlage. Excellent as aperitif and with light dishes. Winemaker Description.
Wine Information:
Country: Italy
Appellation: Prosecco Rosé Doc
Type: Sparkling
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
Fruity and fragrant bouquet with hints of strawberry and cherry. Fresh balanced and persistent. Sligthly fruity notes, fine and thin perlage. Excellent as aperitif and with light dishes.
Fruity and fragrant bouquet with hints of strawberry and cherry. Fresh balanced and persistent. Sligthly fruity notes, fine and thin perlage. Excellent as aperitif and with light dishes.