Bayab Small Batch African Grown Classic Dry Gin 750ml
Bayab Gin is a Pan-African Gin crafted with botanicals sourced across the African continent, from Ghana to Zambia.
Producer Description
Bayab Gin is a Pan-African Gin crafted with botanicals sourced across the African continent, from Ghana to Zambia, including the famous fruit from the Baobab tree.
These botanicals bring our versatile range of premium gins to life, with a refreshing and vibrant African flavor.
Producer Description
Bayab Gin is a Pan-African Gin crafted with botanicals sourced across the African continent, from Ghana to Zambia, including the famous fruit from the Baobab tree.
These botanicals bring our versatile range of premium gins to life, with a refreshing and vibrant African flavor.
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Wine Information:
Country: South Africa
Region: Kwazulu-Natal
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
Zesty peels of orange and lemon and a sweet citrusy tang meet gently aromatic spices, soft herbs, and crisp, peppery juniper.