High West Bourbon A Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 92 Proof 750ml
Light caramel and sweet vanilla. Rich and earthy on the palate with well balanced flavors of candy corn, honey nougat and sweet corn bread biscuits. Vanilla with a hint of caramel apple on the finish.
Producer Description
Light caramel and sweet vanilla. Rich and earthy on the palate with well balanced flavors of candy corn, honey nougat and sweet corn bread biscuits. Vanilla with a hint of caramel apple on the finish.
Wine Information:
Country: United States
Region: Utah
Appellation: Park City
Variety: Corn
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Gold Medal Winner
Light caramel and sweet vanilla. Rich and earthy on the palate with well balanced flavors of candy corn, honey nougat and sweet corn bread biscuits. Vanilla with a hint of caramel apple on the finish.