Gray Whale Gin California 750ml
Anise leads the mild aroma of this unusual gin made with “Californian botanicals,” including Baja limes, fir tree, sea kelp, mint and almonds.
Expert Reviews
92 Tasting Panel | Signature California botanicals of juniper, lime, fir tree, mint, sea kelp, and almond help this sleek 86-proof spirit gracefully cross the “fin”-ish line. Alluring aromas of baby’s breath and citrus lead to a buoyan mouthfeel. ...Show More >
Expert Reviews
92 Tasting Panel | Signature California botanicals of juniper, lime, fir tree, mint, sea kelp, and almond help this sleek 86-proof spirit gracefully cross the “fin”-ish line. Alluring aromas of baby’s breath and citrus lead to a buoyan mouthfeel. 90 Points Wine Enthusiast | Anise leads the mild aroma of this unusual gin made with “Californian botanicals,” including Baja limes, fir tree, sea kelp, mint and almonds. The palate is slick and slightly viscous, with a lemony, faintly saline note that winds into a brisk, cooling finish that suggests an ocean breeze.
Producer Description
Producer Notes | Gray Whale Gin celebrates California and its unique and bountiful botanicals. The six Californian botanicals, juniper, mint, limes, fir tree, almonds, and kombu are sustainably sourced or wildly-foraged along the Pacific Coast, the same coastline as the majestic Gray Whale’s migratory journey. Gray Whale Gin starts out with a six-times distilled, ultra-clean, non-GMO base, which provides the perfect blank canvas to allow the wonderful Californian botanicals to truly shine. Gray Whale Gin has a bright, refreshing and citrusy palate, with a creamy smooth finish.
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Wine Information:
Country: United States
Region: California
Appellation: Sebastopol
Variety: Baja limes, Fir tree, Sea Kelp, Mint, Almonds
Type: Spirits
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