Gazela Rose Wine Portugal NV 750ml
A fresh, semi-sparkling wine, displaying the best qualities of the Vinho Verde region in northwest Portugal.
Winemaker Description
Raspberry pink in color, with a slight prickle of fizz that emphasises its bouquet of red fruits (strawberries) and tropical fruits (banana). It the mouth it is lively and fresh, intense in flavor and well balanced, the overall impression being of lightness and freshness, with an elegant finish.
A fresh, semi-...Show More >
Winemaker Description
Raspberry pink in color, with a slight prickle of fizz that emphasises its bouquet of red fruits (strawberries) and tropical fruits (banana). It the mouth it is lively and fresh, intense in flavor and well balanced, the overall impression being of lightness and freshness, with an elegant finish.
A fresh, semi-sparkling wine, displaying the best qualities of the Vinho Verde region in northwest Portugal. With a lush green landscape, Vinho Verde may literally mean “green wine” but it translates to “young wine.” Gazela is indeed meant to be drunk young, and is an extremely versatile pairing for all types of cuisine.
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Wine Information:
Country: Portugal
Variety: Borracal, Espadeiro, Amaral, Vinhao
Type: Rose
Size: 750ml
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