Ford's Gin London Dry Gin 90 Proof 750ml
Fords Gin is made with a versatile mix of nine botanicals to be the perfect base for any gin-inspired cocktail.
Producer Description
Fords Gin is "The Cocktail Gin," created with the input of the world’s best bartenders. A modern take on a classic London Dry, Fords Gin is made with a versatile mix of nine botanicals to be the perfect base for any gin-inspired cocktail.
The nine botanicals found in Fords Gin are sourced from Joseph Flach & Sons Ltd. They...Show More >
Producer Description
Fords Gin is "The Cocktail Gin," created with the input of the world’s best bartenders. A modern take on a classic London Dry, Fords Gin is made with a versatile mix of nine botanicals to be the perfect base for any gin-inspired cocktail.
The nine botanicals found in Fords Gin are sourced from Joseph Flach & Sons Ltd. They have been importing medicinal and culinary botanicals from around the world for London gin houses & tea companies since 1882, a time when tea houses and gin palaces thrived. These botanicals sourced from across the globe give Fords Gin a bold and balanced flavour that allows for versatility in classic gin cocktails. It is the perfect foundation for any gin-inspired drink.
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Wine Information:
Country: Uk
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
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