Real Sangria Cruz Garcia 750ml
For centuries, sangria has been one of the most popular drinks in Spain. Traditional sangria is a blend of Spanish (red wine and fruit flavors. Its origins can betraced to the southern buy dros...Show More >
For centuries, sangria has been one of the most popular drinks in Spain. Traditional sangria is a blend of Spanish (red wine and fruit flavors. Its origins can betraced to the southern buy drostanolone propionate region of Spain, where it was first used as a refreshing way to endure the summer’s heat.It
The Versatility of Reál Sangria makes it the ideal drink for every occasion Reál Sangria is the drink to enjoy with friends on family occasions or as a refreshing pause on a hot day. Its great with tapas or as a complement to any delicious meal. Producer Description.
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Wine Information:
Country: Spain
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
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