Licor 43 Horchata Liqueur 750ml
Licor 43 Horchata Liqueur is known for its premium quality, its a dairy-free, vegan liqueur from Licor 43, this Horchata expression is based on the traditional Spanish drink of the same name. A base of Licor 43 is blended with horchata made with a traditional Valencian recipe using tiger nuts, cinnamon and citrus.
The result is wonderfully creamy, sure to be a winner over ice. It is full-bodied with a splendid aroma & taste with a warm feel to it. Not to smoky but silky smooth. The finish is surprisingly long and warming. Prouducer Description.
Licor 43 Horchata Liqueur is known for its premium quality, its a dairy-free, vegan liqueur from Licor 43, this Horchata expression is based on the traditional Spanish drink of the same name. A base of Licor 43 is blended with horchata made with a traditional Valencian recipe using tiger nuts, cinnamon and citrus.
The result is wonderfully creamy, sure to be a winner over ice. It is f...Show More >
Licor 43 Horchata Liqueur is known for its premium quality, its a dairy-free, vegan liqueur from Licor 43, this Horchata expression is based on the traditional Spanish drink of the same name. A base of Licor 43 is blended with horchata made with a traditional Valencian recipe using tiger nuts, cinnamon and citrus.
The result is wonderfully creamy, sure to be a winner over ice. It is full-bodied with a splendid aroma & taste with a warm feel to it. Not to smoky but silky smooth. The finish is surprisingly long and warming. Prouducer Description.
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Wine Information:
Country: SPAIN
Variety: Horchata
Type: Array
Size: 750ml
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