Mezcal La Locura Tobala Destilado en Ollas de Barro 750ml
Wine Information:
Country: Mexico
Region: -
Appellation: -
Variety: -
Type: Spirits
Size: 750ml
Choose when time is of the essence
Lalocura Tobala is made with maguey Tobala in Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca. Lalocura has been available in select areas of Oaxaca for a few years, but it finally became available internationally in July 2018. Eduardo “Lalo” Angeles cooks his maguey Tobala with Encino wood, mashes the cooked agave with mallets, ferments the agave in Mexican Cypress vats, and double distills the mezcal in small clay pots. His operation is small and there are only limited batches of his Tobala available.