Marie Brizard L'Original Anisette Liqueur 750ml
Characteristic of green anise on the nose. Sweet, slightly acid flavor.
Liquid, crystal-clear color. Characteristic of green anise on the nose. Sweet, slightly acid flavor, characteristic of green anise.
Anisette is made using a unique and unchanged secret recipe, consisting of a subtle combination of eleven plants and spices intensifying all the freshness of green anise from the Mediterranean. Elegant, fresh and powerful, Anisette combines nobility with ...Show More >
Liquid, crystal-clear color. Characteristic of green anise on the nose. Sweet, slightly acid flavor, characteristic of green anise.
Anisette is made using a unique and unchanged secret recipe, consisting of a subtle combination of eleven plants and spices intensifying all the freshness of green anise from the Mediterranean. Elegant, fresh and powerful, Anisette combines nobility with charm.
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Wine Information:
Type: Spirits
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